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Best Practices For Managing A Design Team (Do's and Don'ts)

As the demand for digital products and services continues to grow, so does the need for design teams that can create them. With the proliferation of design teams comes the need for team managers who can lead them effectively.

Design teams come in all shapes and sizes, but some best practices remain constant regardless of team size or composition.

This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about managing a design team, from building the team to managing day-to-day operations. By the end, you will have all the tools and knowledge you need to lead your team to success!

Interactions within the design team are crucial in every instance. It is essential to cultivate a bond that would amplify the likelihood of meeting set goals. However, this is not always easy to achieve as several factors can contribute to a lack of bond within a team.

These include interpersonal conflict, differences in work style, and mismatched skill sets.

Despite the challenges, creating unity within a team is important, as it can lead to increased productivity and creativity and help build strong working relationships.

There are several ways to create unity within a team, and it is often a matter of trial and error to find what works best for a particular team.

However, some standard methods include brainstorming, role-playing, and team-building exercises.

Best practices for managing a design team
Best practices for managing a design team

How Do You Structure a Design Team?

Structuring a design team can vary depending on the specific needs and goals of the organization. However, there are a few key factors to consider when building a successful design team:

  1. Define roles and responsibilities: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each team member, including job titles, job descriptions, and expectations for performance. This will help avoid confusion and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.

  2. Determine team size: The size of the team should be based on the scope of the project, the number of products or services being designed, and the resources available. A smaller team may be more efficient, but a larger team can bring more diversity of skills and perspectives.

  3. Establish a design process: Establish a clear and effective design process that includes ideation, prototyping, testing, and iteration. This will help ensure that the team is working together effectively and efficiently.

  4. Create a collaborative environment: Foster a collaborative environment where team members can share ideas, provide feedback, and work together to solve problems.

  5. Hire for diversity: Seek out team members with diverse backgrounds, skill sets, and perspectives. This will bring new ideas and approaches to the team and can help create more inclusive and innovative designs.

  6. Provide ongoing training and development: Provide ongoing training and development opportunities to help team members stay up to date with the latest design trends and technologies.

Overview Of BUX Platform Design Team Structure (Experienced Design Squad)

BUX Platform runs a creative design team buffet called Brave squads. These squads are comprised of dedicated professionals, including a UX Project Manager, a Senior UX designer/strategist, a Visual designer, and one UX designer, who work together to create high-quality designs that help our clients achieve their business goals.

Our squads use the latest tools and technologies to create stunning visualizations that communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively.

We take a user-centered design approach, putting the user's needs first and foremost. This allows us to create designs that are not only beautiful but also functional and easy to use.

BUX Platform provides various design team structures that help to meet the client's specific needs and requirements. The design team structures offered by the BUX Platform give clients talent flexibility which can be a combination of;

  • Team Lead

  • UX Project Manager

  • UX Designer

  • Visual Designer

  • Interaction Designer

  • Information Architect

  • Usability Expert

  • Low code developers

Each team member has their specific roles and responsibilities. The team lead manages the team and ensures the project is on track. UX Project Manager is responsible for managing the UX design process. UX Designer is responsible for creating the user interface and user experience. The visual Designer is responsible for creating the visual design.

The Interaction Designer is responsible for designing the interactions between the user and the system. The information Architect is responsible for organizing the information within the system. The usability expert ensures that the system is easy to use.

Overview of a design team
Brave Squads

Practical Recommendations on Design Team Management

There are many different ways to manage a design, and it can be challenging to determine which method is best for a particular project. Here are some recommendations on how best to manage a design:

Identify with Each Member of The Design Team and Understand their Deliverables

Management and understanding are two key elements when delving into design teams. Each team member has their deliverables, and it's your job as the manager to ensure that these are all met promptly and efficiently.

It is also essential for you as the manager to understand each team member's individual personality and strengths. Doing so allows you to assign tasks and projects best suited for each individual easily.

This will not only help to boost morale but also increase the team's overall productivity.

Finally, as the manager, you should avoid micromanaging the team. This will only serve to frustrate and demotivate the members of the team. Instead, you should trust in the team's abilities and allow them to work to the best of their abilities.

Design team management
Boost your productivity

Get A Grip on Your Responsibility

As a UI/UX design team manager, it's important to understand your job as clearly as possible. You can't manage others properly if your tasks aren't clearly defined. In this article, we'll look at what a UI/UX design team manager's job entails and how you can ensure you're doing it effectively.

As a UI/UX design team manager, your job is to oversee the team's work and ensure that it meets the project's requirements. You'll also be responsible for ensuring that the team works efficiently and meets deadlines. In order to do this effectively, you'll need to clearly understand what your team is working on at all times. You'll also need to be able to communicate effectively with both your team and your clients.

A Distinct Understanding of UI/UX Design Team Member Passion is Important

Each individual on your UI/UX design team brings a unique passion to the table. To harness your team's full potential, you must understand what drives each team member. Only then can you truly capitalize on their strengths and ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal.

So, what are the passions that drive your UI/UX design team members? Let's take a closer look at some of the most common ones.

Designers are often driven by a desire to create something beautiful and unique. They want to push the boundaries of what is possible and explore new and innovative ways to solve problems. For them, the challenge is finding the right solution and doing so in an aesthetically pleasing way.

Keep The Team Motivated And Actively Engaged

Design teams are under constant pressure to create innovative and user-friendly products. This can be a challenge in itself, but it is even more complicated when team members are not motivated or interested in their work.

As a design team manager, it is your job to keep your squad members engaged and excited about their work. This can be difficult, especially if team members work on long-term projects or feel stagnant in their roles.

However, you can do a few things as a manager to help keep your team members motivated and engaged. First, ensure you are clear with your expectations and that everyone is on the same page. Secondly, provide opportunities for growth and development so team members feel like they are progressing in their careers.

Finally, make sure to recognize and celebrate big and small successes. Taking these steps can help create a motivating and positive environment for your team.

Motivated and actively engaged design team

Handle Designers' Creative Blocks Innovatively

Creative blocks are a common part of the design process, but that doesn't mean they have to be a roadblock to your team's success.

As a manager, it's important to handle these types of situations in a supportive and innovative way.

Here are a few tips for handling creative blocks:

  • Encourage your team to take breaks. Sometimes all it takes is a walk around the block or a quick nap to jumpstart the creative process.

  • Encourage your team to brainstorm together. Collaboration can help to break down barriers and inspire new ideas.

  • Encourage your team to experiment. Trying new things is a great way to jumpstart the creative process.

  • Encourage your team to keep a journal. This can be a great way to track ideas and progress over time.

Operate An Open Door Communication Policy

Operating an open-door communication policy as a design team manager has advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, open-door policies foster a team environment where design team members feel comfortable approaching their manager with questions, concerns, and ideas.

This can lead to better communication and a more cohesive team. On the other hand, an open-door policy can also lead to a design team manager feeling overwhelmed with questions and requests, and it can be stressful to maintain focus and stay on task.

If you are considering implementing an open-door policy as a design team manager, it is important to weigh the pros and cons carefully. Ultimately, the decision should be based on what will work best for your team and your business.

Open-door communication policy | BUX Platform
Brave UX Platform


How do you lead a design team?

To lead a design team effectively, it is important to establish clear goals, provide regular feedback, and foster a collaborative environment. A good leader should also support the professional growth of team members, promote diversity and inclusion, and stay up to date with the latest design trends and technologies.

What are the key elements of a design team?

The critical elements of a design team include a shared vision, clear communication, defined roles and responsibilities, a well-established design process, ongoing training and development, and a collaborative environment. By focusing on these elements, teams can work together effectively to create high-quality designs that meet the target audience's needs.

What are the six basic characteristics of a design team?

The six basic characteristics of a design team include diversity of skills and perspectives, shared goals and values, effective communication, a well-defined design process, a culture of experimentation and iteration, and a commitment to continuous learning and improvement. Teams that embody these characteristics are better equipped to produce innovative and effective designs that meet the target audience's needs.


Design teams often consist of different skill sets, which can be demanding to manage. However, managing the team's performance innovatively and effectively is essential.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when doing so. First, it is crucial to set clear goals and objectives for the team. Measuring and managing the team's performance will only be possible with a clear direction. Second, you need to establish clear roles and responsibilities for each team member.

This will help ensure everyone is on the same page and knows what is expected of them. Finally, it would help if you were proactive in addressing any issues. By being proactive, you can prevent minor issues from becoming major problems.

If you keep these things in mind, you will be well on your way to managing a successful and productive design team.

Design teams are responsible for developing and executing the creative vision for a product or service. But to be successful, they need to be properly managed. First, learn more about the right concept and how best to manage a design team to be successful, and practically follow the best practices outlined in our guide. Then, book a consultation session with BUX Platform design experts.

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