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What's Missing in Your Design Toolbox? Tools for Building Inclusive Product Experiences 

In Product design, creating remarkable user experiences goes beyond aesthetics and functionality. Inclusive design is a foundational principle that caters to individuals with diverse abilities, backgrounds, and perspectives, ensuring that digital interfaces are accessible, usable, and delightful for everyone.  

Despite Hispanic, Black, American Indian, and Alaska Native people making up 31% of the US population, they only account for 24% of the STEM workforce, according to the US National Science Foundation 2023 research. Black professionals, who account for 13% of the US workforce, comprise just 4% of all tech workers. Black History Month provides an opportunity to recognize the pivotal role of diversity in tech and in shaping contemporary fields, including design.  

To build truly inclusive product experiences, it is imperative to confront and rectify biases that may permeate the design process. In this article, we will delve deeper into the principles of inclusive design, exploring the impact of bias on design processes and introducing tools to help mitigate these biases. Let's fortify our design toolboxes with the necessary instruments for crafting truly inclusive product experiences. 

Understanding Inclusive Design 

Inclusive design is a philosophy that highlights creating products and experiences that are accessible and usable by individuals with various abilities, backgrounds, and perspectives. It involves recognizing and embracing user diversity, designing with empathy, acknowledging each user's unique needs, and crafting experiences that cater to them.

Inclusive design principles revolve around providing flexibility, offering choices, and ensuring a sense of belonging for all users, including physical abilities, cognitive differences, cultural backgrounds, and more.  

However, bias in design can undermine the essence of inclusive design. Unconscious biases can creep into design decisions, affecting everything from color schemes to user interactions. This can result in exclusionary practices, perpetuating stereotypes and reinforcing existing inequalities. Overcoming bias is a moral imperative, and designers must engage in self-reflection, education, and ongoing awareness to identify and mitigate workplace biases.  

Representation in design is another critical aspect of inclusive design. It involves ensuring that digital interfaces reflect the diversity of their user base. This involves visual representation and the inclusion of diverse voices, perspectives, and cultural elements in the overall design narrative. Users who encounter designs representing various backgrounds are likelier to feel seen and valued.  

Microaggressions in design are subtle, often unintentional, discriminatory messages or behaviors embedded in the user experience. Addressing microaggressions in design requires designers to be attuned to the potential nuances that may inadvertently exclude or offend certain users. By actively identifying and eliminating microaggressions, designers can create a more inclusive environment where users feel respected and understood. 

The Role of Black Designers in Shaping Experiences 

Contributions of Black Designers 

The contributions of Black designers have had an enormous impact on Product design. Their unique perspectives, storytelling skills, and cultural richness have brought a fresh and inclusive approach to the field. 


Maurice Woods, the founder of Inneract Project, has made it his mission to foster diversity in design. His organization provides design education to underrepresented communities, highlighting the importance of inclusivity in the design field. 

Dantley Davis, the Chief Design Officer at Twitter, has been instrumental in refining the platform's user interface.

His leadership has contributed to a seamless user experience, and his work has been recognized as a driving force behind Twitter's success. 

From the early pioneers who paved the way for future generations to contemporary trailblazers breaking new ground, Black designers have successfully challenged traditional design norms and introduced fresh perspectives. Their impact is felt across various sectors, from technology to entertainment. 

Unique Perspectives and Insights in Design Processes 

The perspectives and insights of Black designers are a vital part of the design process. They bring their rich cultural experiences to the table, which helps them understand the nuances of storytelling and symbolism. As a result, their work resonates with a diverse audience and transcends cultural boundaries. 



Lesley Humphrey has created visually engaging and user-friendly e-commerce experiences, contributing to Etsy's success in celebrating individuality and craftsmanship. Thought leader Kat Holmes has made significant contributions to inclusive design and emphasizes the importance of empathy in the design process. As a partner at Pentagram, Eddie Opara has left an indelible mark on the design world. 

Black designers approach projects holistically, considering their work's functionality and emotional and cultural impact. This holistic approach results in user experiences that are aesthetically pleasing and profoundly resonate with users on a personal level. They bridge the gap between technology and human emotion, bringing a human-centered dimension to UX design. 

Impactful Design Projects Led by Black Designers 

The impact of Black designers in UX is best exemplified by showcasing their impactful design projects. These projects testify to the creativity, innovation, and cultural relevance that Black designers infuse into their work. 

Project 1: Afrofuturist Interfaces 

One notable example is the emergence of Afrofuturist design aesthetics in digital interfaces. Black designers have been at the forefront of incorporating Afrofuturist elements into product experiences, seamlessly blending technology with African and diasporic cultural motifs. These designs challenge traditional expectations and create a space for underrepresented narratives to thrive. 

Project 2: Inclusive Health Apps 

Black designers have also played a pivotal role in addressing healthcare disparities by designing inclusive health apps. These apps prioritize accessibility and culturally relevant health information, ensuring that diverse user groups have access to personalized and accurate resources. By recognizing the unique healthcare needs of different communities, Black designers contribute to a more equitable and inclusive digital health landscape. 

Project 3: Social Justice Platforms 

In response to the global call for social justice, Black designers have led the development of platforms that amplify marginalized voices. From interactive storytelling to immersive experiences, these platforms catalyze social change. By leveraging their design skills, Black designers contribute to the ongoing equality and justice dialogue. 

Design Tools for Building Inclusive Experiences 

Pursuing inclusivity in Product design demands diverse tools beyond conventional design software. This section delves into a curated collection of design tools tailored explicitly for diverse user groups, harnessing the power of technology to create interfaces that resonate with users from all walks of life. 

Various Design Tools for Diverse User Groups 

A11Y (Accessibility) Tools: 
  • Axe: An open-source browser extension that automatically detects and highlights accessibility issues in web pages, empowering designers to create interfaces that adhere to accessibility standards. 

  • WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool): A suite of evaluation tools that facilitate the evaluation of web content for accessibility issues, providing visual feedback on potential problems. 

Cultural Persona Generators: 
  • CultureMap: A tool that aids designers in creating culturally relevant personas by offering insights into cultural nuances, preferences, and behaviors, ensuring that designs resonate with diverse audiences. 

  • DesignSprint: A platform that integrates cultural considerations into the design thinking process, guiding designers to create personas that reflect the diversity of their target users. 


Inclusive Icon Sets: 
  • Noun Project's Diversity Collection: An extensive collection of icons representing various cultural and demographic elements, promoting inclusivity in visual communication. 

  • Accessible Icon Project: A project that reimagines the traditional wheelchair icon to create a more inclusive symbol for accessibility. 

Language Translation Tools: 
  • Weglot: A website translation tool that enables designers to provide content in multiple languages, breaking down language barriers and ensuring a more inclusive experience for global users. 

  • TranslatePress: A WordPress plugin that allows designers to create multilingual interfaces, providing content in different languages to accommodate diverse language preferences. 

User Testing Platforms with Diversity Filters: 
  • Maze: A user testing platform that includes filters to target specific demographics, allowing designers to collect insights from diverse user groups and ensure that their designs meet the needs of a broad audience. 

  • UserTesting: A platform that provides options to select users based on various demographics, including age, gender, and location, ensuring diverse perspectives in the user testing process. 

The Role of AI in Mitigating Bias in Design Processes 

Artificial Intelligence emerges as a powerful ally in mitigating bias in design processes. As designers strive to create inclusive experiences, AI can be leveraged to identify and rectify biases that may inadvertently creep into digital interfaces. 

1. AI-Powered Bias Detection Tools: 


Tools like IBM's AI Fairness 360 and OpenAI's Fairness Indicators use machine learning algorithms to detect biases in datasets and design elements. By analyzing patterns and potential sources of bias, these tools empower designers to address and rectify biases in their work proactively. 

2. Diverse Dataset Generators: 

The diversity of training datasets directly influences the quality of AI models. Tools like DALL-E and Artbreeder allow designers to generate diverse datasets, ensuring that AI models are trained on various images and scenarios. This contributes to more inclusive and unbiased AI-driven design outcomes. 

3. Algorithmic Transparency and Explainability: 

AI also offers unique algorithmic transparency and explainability advantages to mitigate bias. Modern AI algorithms are becoming more interpretable, allowing designers to understand how and why certain decisions are made.

This transparency enables a deeper analysis of potential biases, empowering designers to make informed adjustments and refinements. By clearly understanding the AI decision-making process, designers can ensure that the final design aligns with ethical and inclusive principles. 

4. Continuous Learning and Iterative Improvement: 

AI's capacity for continuous learning provides another avenue for mitigating bias. AI systems can adapt and refine their decision-making processes based on real-world interactions through iterative improvement and ongoing feedback loops. This adaptability allows designers to monitor and address biases even after the initial release of a product.

By integrating continuous learning mechanisms, AI becomes a dynamic tool that evolves alongside user interactions and feedback, promoting a more inclusive and responsive design over time. 

The Role of Technology in Facilitating Inclusive Design 

Technology, when harnessed thoughtfully, catalyzes inclusive design. From innovative design methodologies to cutting-edge tools, technology is pivotal in creating digital experiences prioritizing accessibility and diversity. 

  • Virtual Reality (VR) for Empathy Building: Virtual reality (VR) creates immersive and interactive simulations of real or imagined environments. It benefits people with disabilities, enhancing their access to information, education, entertainment, and social interaction. However, it poses challenges for accessibility, such as compatibility with assistive devices, perceivable content, and intuitive interactions.   Potentials of VR for accessibility and inclusion are helping people with visual disabilities explore virtual environments, people with mobility impairments participate in physical activities, people with learning and cognitive disabilities improve their skills, and helping people with social and emotional disabilities enhance their communication.  Therefore, accessibility in VR is a complex, evolving topic that requires ongoing innovation and research. 

  • VR applications, such as Google's Tilt Brush and Oculus Medium, enable designers to step into users' shoes with diverse perspectives. By immersing themselves in virtual environments, designers gain empathy and insights that inform more inclusive design decisions. 

  • Machine Learning for Personalized Experiences: Machine learning algorithms can analyze user behavior to personalize experiences. Tools like Dynamic Yield and Optimizely use AI to tailor content based on individual preferences, creating interfaces that adapt to diverse user needs and preferences. 

  • Augmented Reality (AR) for Spatial Inclusivity: AR tools like ARKit and ARCore allow designers to create spatially inclusive experiences. By overlaying digital elements onto the physical world, designers can enhance accessibility and create interactive interfaces that accommodate diverse spatial constraints. 

Creating Culturally Relevant Design Experiences 


The Importance of Cultural Relevance in Design 

Cultural context in UX/UI design is not a mere trend but a cornerstone of creating meaningful and impactful user experiences. Understanding and incorporating cultural elements into Product design acknowledges users' diverse backgrounds and fosters a sense of connection and authenticity.

Culturally relevant design goes beyond surface-level aesthetics; it recognizes the values, traditions, and nuances that shape how individuals perceive and interact with digital interfaces. 

In a globalized digital landscape, users from different cultures seek validation and representation in their products. Culturally relevant design respects these diverse perspectives and actively seeks to incorporate them, creating a more inclusive and engaging user experience. It is a strategic imperative for designers to move beyond a one-size-fits-all approach and embrace the richness that cultural diversity brings to the design table. 

Strategies for Incorporating Cultural Elements into Product Experiences 

  1. Cultural Research and User Personas: Begin by conducting thorough cultural research to understand the nuances of the target audience. Develop detailed user personas that encompass cultural preferences, values, and behaviors. This foundational step lays the groundwork for creating designs that authentically connect with users on an artistic level. 

  2. Inclusive Imagery and Representation: Incorporate diverse and inclusive imagery that reflects the cultural diversity of the user base. Ensure that visual elements like illustrations, photographs, and iconography resonate with different cultural backgrounds. Avoid stereotypes and strive for authenticity in representation. 

  3. Localized Content and Language: Tailor content to the cultural context by providing localized text, images, and multimedia versions. Language plays a crucial role in cultural relevance; hence, offering content in multiple languages ensures that users can engage with the interface familiarly and inclusively. 

  4. Cultural Sensitivity Training for Designers: Equip designers with cultural sensitivity training to better understand diverse perspectives. This training empowers designers to navigate potential cultural pitfalls, avoid unintentional stereotypes, and make informed decisions contributing to a culturally sensitive design process.

  5. Collaboration with Cultural Experts: Foster collaboration with cultural experts or consultants who can provide valuable insights into the cultural nuances that may impact design decisions. Working alongside individuals with a deep understanding of specific cultural contexts ensures that designs are respectful and authentically resonate with the target audience. 

Showcasing Examples of Culturally Relevant Design Projects 


Project 1: Airbnb's 'Experiences' Feature 

Airbnb's 'Experiences' feature is a stellar example of a platform incorporating cultural relevance. By curating local activities led by residents, Airbnb provides users with authentic cultural experiences. The design seamlessly integrates diverse cultural elements, from the imagery to the language used in the descriptions, creating an immersive and culturally rich user experience. 

Project 2: Google's Cultural Institute 

Google's Cultural Institute is a digital repository of cultural artifacts, historical sites, and artistic endeavors worldwide. The platform design respects and highlights the cultural significance of each featured item, fostering a sense of global interconnectedness. The intuitive interface allows users to explore and engage with diverse cultural content seamlessly. 

Project 3: Nike's N7 Collection 

Nike's N7 Collection is a testament to culturally relevant design in e-commerce. The online store's design not only showcases Native American-inspired sportswear but also incorporates storytelling elements that honor the cultural heritage behind each product.

The interface goes beyond transactional experiences, creating a narrative that resonates with the community's cultural values. 



In conclusion, diversity is a crucial factor in driving innovation in product design. It's not just about meeting quotas or ticking checkboxes; diversity fosters a culture of creativity, collaboration, and out-of-the-box thinking that propels design projects to new heights. By embracing diverse perspectives in design teams, product owners open doors to fresh ideas, unconventional solutions, and groundbreaking innovations that may have been overlooked.  

Incorporating diverse perspectives into design processes yields benefits such as empathy, inclusivity, and more robust design solutions. Diverse perspectives lead to better products, happier users, and a more competitive edge in the market.  

Countless case studies illustrate the transformative impact of diverse design teams on product innovation. From Apple's diverse team behind the groundbreaking iPhone to Airbnb's inclusive design approach, diverse perspectives have consistently driven innovation and market success. 


Streamline Your Design Projects with the BUX Platform 

Looking for a way to streamline your design projects and save time and money? The BUX Platform is the answer! Our experienced product design squads are ready to help you improve productivity and complete projects efficiently.  

As a non-profit organization, we're committed to providing you with the right combination of professionals for your project without the hassle of finding and hiring talent. With our tailored Product design services in the USA, you can access a wide range of services, including user research, testing, user journey mapping, and more.  

Interested? Please fill out our contact form to access a tailored squad for your design projects today! 




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